Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Best WoW Leveling Zones Horde 1-85

Looking for the best WoW leveling zones horde to get to 85 fast? The leveling zones in Cataclysm have been redesigned, so most of the Horde zones are completely different now. However the quests are much better and overall will get you to 85 much faster than they did in earlier versions of WoW.

Some WoW leveling zones horde include Durotar as your starting point for trolls and orcs. Goblins will have to complete a specific questline which ends in Durotar. And the other races have their respective starting points, as well.

You will be primarily based on Kalimdor for many horde quests if you are a troll or an orc. However if you like you can always check out the heroes board to determine where you should head next as part of your quest path. The great thing about heroes boards which were introduced in Cata, is that they tell you where to go that’s also appropriate for your level.

Any time you are stuck looking for wow leveling zones horde, just check out a heroes board. It will tell you what to do next.

You can also investigate a leveling guide to determine which area might be best to travel to next as part of your quest path to get to 85 as horde. Some leveling guides actually act as in game addons, which will tell you where to go along each step of your leveling path.

No matter what part of the leveling path you are on, it is always quite possible to get to 85 quickly without any struggle, especially between heirloom gear, guild leveling perks, and the various in game leveling addons which work to help you blast your way to 85 in the shortest amount of time possible. Remember: stick to the heroes board guidelines, get heirloom gear if you’re leveling alts, and make sure you’re always carrying plenty of food and water and have your gear in good condition.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The WoW Idemise Guide - Idemise Leveling Guide Download

If you are considering a leveling guide for WoW that works in game as an addon, the WoW idemise leveling guide is one choice that might appeal to you. With the idemise leveling guide download - known now as the “WoW Booster” leveling addon - you have several features available that you don’t get with the regular in game tracker.

Complete guide from 1-85

The idemise leveling guide download gives you a walkthrough from 1-85 for both Alliance and Horde. It shows you specifically how to get through each zone and what quests to take. With this method, you can typically get from 1-85 much faster than you might without a quest leveling addon.

Booster technology

The idemise guide has a specific type of coding that lets you find the quests which are both appropriate for your level and maximized for experience gain. If you’ve ever felt confused about where to go next in WoW on your leveling path, this addon takes away that confusion for good.

Talent guide built-in

In addition, the Booster addon actually shows you the best leveling specs that will maximize both survivability and DPS, allowing you to kill more quest mobs in a timely manner, and also stay alive without problems. It also shows you how to level through the instance system set up in the wow dungeon finder.

Ultimately, an idemise leveling guide download can only help your current leveling process, and if you are serious about getting a toon leveled in a week or less, it’s really ideal.

The main question is whether you want to spend money on a guide or not. If you’re not too concerned with the one-time fee associated with the leveling guide, this is an ideal one. Zygor’s wow leveling guide is another good choice that includes a few bells and whistles not found with the idemise/WoW booster addon.

Learn more about the Idemise Leveling Guide Download

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Worgen Leveling After Gilneas - How to Maximize Your Leveling

If you're leveling a worgen in Cataclysm, you'll probably be wondering how to find the fastest routes around Azeroth to get your new puppy to 85 as fast as possible. Since everything has been revamped with Cata, it can be tough to figure out the best path for worgen leveling after Gilneas, the starting zone. Here are a few tips to maximize your worgen's XP gains.

1. Check the heroes board.

When you are uncertain where to go for quests, the heroes board will always tell you where you can get level appropriate quests, and what zone they are in. Heroes boards are found in all the major Alliance cities.

2. Check forums

You can also look at the blizzard forums for some basic leveling tips for worgen. They usually have posts that will tell you where to go next if you are struggling to keep up with your level. You'll probably find that if you are leveling with heirloom gear, it's actually harder than normal to keep your quests and your level at an even pace. The Zygor smart injection system actually solves this problem.

3. Consult a leveling guide

There are plenty of leveling guides and wow leveling addons that will help with the problem of questing as a worgen and maximizing your XP. You can either download one of the free leveling addons, get one of the addons like Zygors guide, or just check out some free online guides for WoW leveling as a worgen.

Remember, there are plenty of ways to maximize worgen leveling after Gilneas and still have plenty of time for crafting and other things you might want to pursue as part of your WoW playtime.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Best WoW Leveling Guide 1-85

If you're trying to get from 1-85 in a reasonable amount of time, you may have investigated the possibility of a WoW leveling guide. A WoW leveling guide 1-85 should include all the new Cata zones as well as worgen and goblin starter quests. There are efficient and non-efficient ways to burn through all these zones fast, and the best leveling guides will include such methods.

First of all, you'll want to check out Zygors WoW leveling guide. This is one of the best I've seen as it is most frequently updated, walks you through each quest path, and basically takes all the work out of both leveling and WoW gaming in general. It includes profession guides and other gold making guides to help you get the most out of your WoW time.

You can also check out free guides around the web. Most of them will tell you how to get through each of the zones pretty fast. Heirloom gear helps of course, but you may find yourself outleveling content pretty fast especially if you are also rested.

It's usually best to check out a few WoW leveling guide 1-85 options before picking one; this way you can be sure you get the most out of your money if you end up buying one. Be sure to examine your playtime needs and everything else that factors into your leveling experience like heirloom gear; this way you can determine which one is best.

Zygors also includes built in spec advisors and a leveling arrow that points you in the right direction for your quest path. It makes getting through the old zones a breeze, so you can focus on newer content more quickly.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Getting the Most out of WoW

I'm a WoW gamer. I'm also a full-time home business owner and musician with an active life. Getting what I want out of WoW can be tough sometimes, especially as part of a large raiding guild with active progression towards Cataclysm content.

For this reason, I decided to help out other busy WoW gamers who want to learn shortcuts in WoW. When you only have limited time to log in every day, you want to be sure you're getting the most out of every hour. You sure don't want to have to spend hours on end farming materials to acquire gold, or gear, or anything like that.

Useful ways to maximize your WoW time include learning how to play the auction house appropriately, so that you can make gold without the struggle of farming, and learning how to maximize your instancing and leveling time. When you're leveling up a new alt, you want to be sure you know the best options for questing that will maximize your efficiency.

Remember, it is totally possible to get what you want out of WoW and still have a busy and active life in reality at the same time. Just remember to balance your playtime, learn the shortcuts and secrets to get basic tasks done with minimal time, and of course, pick and choose the things you want to spend your WoW playtime on carefully.